Portland green bike box - bike lane indicates a trouble spot for drivers to pay more attention and look for cyclists and pedestrians

Oregon Bicycle Manual (PDF)

You have a right to ride your bicycle on Oregon's roads, streets and highways. In Oregon, a bicycle is legally considered to be a vehicle. When riding your bicycle on a road, you have the same rights and duties as people who are driving cars. With a few exceptions, the rules of the road for people driving apply to you.

Portland Bike Law

Bike Laws
Bend, Beaverton, Corvalis, Eugene, Salem, West Linn

Metro Bicycle Maps and Resources

Some Favorite Portland Bike Rides

Riding a bicycle on the sidewalk in Oregon

Like Portland, many towns in Oregon do not have signs alerting bicyclists not to ride on the sidewalks in the parts of town where they have such a restriction.

This link takes you down this page to a survey of different towns in Oregon with links to their city bike laws.

Bicycle Parking Codes / Impounding

Cities throughout Oregon vary on their bicycle parking and impounding laws. It also matters who owns the property where you are parking, or locking your bicycle (city, private property, Oregon State University property, or the Portland International Airport where you will find great free bicycle parking accommodations).

Where Can You Ride A Bike On The Sidewalk In Portland?

Oregon bike law - Portland boundary of no sidewalk biking with a small exception in SW Portland.The region where you cannot ride your bike on the sidewalk is not marked in Portland. The no bikes on sidewalk is locaed in the SW/NW section of Portland ~ around the downtown shopping areas. Specifically it is this area bounded by and including these roads: SW Jefferson, Front Avenue, NW Hoyt and 13th Avenue.

In addition, there is a small area carved out which is an exception to the no biking on the sidewalk rule.

The area that you can ride on the sidewalk within this boundary is essentially a part of the Park Blocks: west property line of SW Ninth Avenue, to the east property line of SW Park Avenue; from the property line of SW Jefferson to the south property line of SW Salmon Street.

Of course, a bicyclist is allowed to ride on the sidewalk in order to avoid a safety hazard, but this exception really means specifically only as an avoidance type of maneuver around a hazard within the cyclist's immediate area. You can also follow a designated bicycle lane or path if it leads you onto the sidewalk and this exception also provides for all access to ramps onto the bridge crossings over the Wllamette River. Of course, police officers on bike are allowed to use the sidewalks at will as are private security bike patrols.

In Oregon, bicycles ridden on the sidewalk laws vary greatly depending on the local ordinances.

Eugene, Oregon
Biking is prohibited on sidewalks in Downtown Eugene. People biking are required to walk when using the sidewalks in Downtown (8th - 13th Avenue and Lincoln - Pearl Street).

Corvalis, Oregon
Riding a bicycle on the sidewalk in Corvallis is legal, except where indicated by signage. When riding on sidewalks, cyclists have rights and responsibilities similar to those of pedestrians.

Beaverton, Oregon
6.02.410 which formerly prohibited riding upon a sidewalk where official signs prohibited bicycle riding, has been repealed.

Hillsboro, Oregon
You may not ride on sidewalks in downtown areas. Hillsboro provides this handy, and printable, quick guide for bicycle riding rules.

The longer rule (see subsection 8.28.040 Bicycles, Skateboards, Toy Vehicles):

8.28.040 Operation on sidewalks

        A.    Bicycles, skateboards and toy vehicles may be operated on sidewalks within the corporate limits of the city except on those sidewalks under HMC 8.28.040(B) or under those conditions in HMC 8.28.040(C) and (D).

        B.    Sidewalks adjacent to streets or on public service building grounds located within the boundaries between the north line of NE and NW Lincoln Street to the south line of SW and SE Baseline Street and the east line of NE and SE 5th Avenue to the west line of NW and SW Adams Avenue.

        C.    At speeds in excess of 10 miles per hour.

        D.    Failing to yield the right-of-way to pedestrians using the sidewalk or not dismounting and walking past children at play or congestion caused by pedestrians.

Milwaukie, Oregon


No person shall ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk within a business district, downtown, or in a commercial area unless such area is designated part of a foot-bike pathway.

Salem, Oregon

Sec. 101.100. - Riding bicycles on sidewalks. It shall be unlawful to ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk within that area bounded by and including Front Street on the west, save and except the bridges, Cottage Street on the east, Union Street on the north, and Trade Street on the south; provided this subsection shall not apply to three-wheeled bicycles being ridden by a handicapped or elderly person.

West Linn, Oregon

6.155 Bicycle Operating Rules. In addition to observing all other applicable provisions of this chapter and State law, a rider of a bicycle upon a street shall not: (1) Ride upon a sidewalk within a business district;

Bend, Oregon
Bicycles shall not be ridden on a sidewalk in the Downtown District described in section 6,190 or in the Centennial Parking Garage. 6.20.025 (1) describes the Bend Downtown District: (see the last page of the linked PDF for a map which shows the downtown district described here and titled Exhibit A, the quality isn't the best but it is easier to read while bicycling than this lengthy text description). Beginning at the North side of Newport Avenue and the Deschutes River, thence South along the Deschutes River from Newport Avenue to the South side of Franklin Avenue, thence East on Franklin Avenue to the West side of Broadway Street, thence south on Broadway Street to the South side of Louisiana Avenue, thence East on Louisiana Avenue from Broadway Street to the West side of Wall Street, thence South on \Nail Street from Louisiana Avenue to the South side of Kansas Street, thence Easterly from Kansas and Wall Street through the Administrative School District property to the Southeast corner of the intersection of Kansas and Lave Street, thence Northeast on Lava Street to the North side of Franklin Avenue, thence East from the Northeast corner of Franklin Avenue and Lava Street to the West side of Division Avenue, thence North on the West side of Division to the South side of Greenwood Avenue, thence West on Greenwood Avenue to the Southeast corner of Greenwood Avenue and Harriman Street, thence North (across Greenwood Avenue) to the Northeast corner of Greenwood Avenue and Harriman Street, thence West to the Northeast corner of Greenwood Avenue and Bond Street to the Junction of Bond Street and Wall Street, crossing Wall Street to the West side of Wall Street and the Northwest corner of Wall Street and Vermont Place, thence West along the North side of Vermont Place to the Deschutes River, thence South to the Point of Beginning.

Redmond, Oregon 6.325 Bicycle Operating Rules.
May not ride a bicycle on a sidewalk in any business district, except along an unimproved street. However, in a business district, bicycles may be ridden on sidewalks to deliver newspapers and messages and to make other deliveries. In addition, Redmond police officers who are operating their bicycles in the course and scope of their duties may ride on sidewalks.


8.70.030 Use of Public Sidewalks and Property.

(1) No person shall use a bicycle or non- motorized vehicle in a city park, trail, open space, or sidewalk in a careless manner.

(2) No person shall use or permit the use of a bicycle or non-motorized vehicle:

a) within city buildings; or

(b) at City Hall, the Center for the Arts, Heroes Memorial, or other public properties designated by the City Manager, and all public areas adjacent to the above mentioned and designated properties, including but not limited to, plazas, pedestrian areas, sidewalks, planters, artistic or memorial structures, seating areas, accessways, access ramps, and handrails,

Portland Bicycle Impounding Laws / Bike Parking

A bike in Portland can be impounded for just being locked on public property for more than 72 hours. This means on any sidewalk, for instance if you lock to a stop sign or a neighborhood street sign marker.

*Private property entails more factors if you are leaving or locking a bike. A good (precautionary) measure is to communicate with the property owner and look for signs.

If you bicycle commute in Portland, you know that you frequently end up in areas where locking to a stop sign is one of the only options. Take care to make sure that you are not obstructing the sidewalk in any way, especially the wheel chair ramps. Check to be sure your bicycle does not impede vehicles in any way.

Examples for grounds for a bicycle being immediately impounded are obstructing the sidewalk, obstructing a wheel chair ramp, or impeding motor vehicles in some manner.

Never lock too near a fire hydrant, or a police or fire callbox, as these all must be kept absolutely clear or your bicycle may be impounded.

If your bike is impounded in Portland, "the impounding agency must make reasonable efforts to notify the owner of the impoundment and a description of how and by what date the bicycle must be claimed." You may be charged a fee for your impounded bicycle to get it out, if it was impounded for one of the types of reasons previously discussed. If your bike goes unclaimed, after 30 days the city may dispose of your impounded bike.

Beaverton Bicycle Parking / Impounding

6.02.430 Impounding of bicycles.
A. It shall be unlawful to leave a bicycle on public or private property without the consent of the person in charge or the owner thereof.
B. A bicycle left on public property for a period in excess of 72 hours may be impounded by the police department.
C. If a bicycle impounded under this section bears an Oregon driver's license number or is licensed by this city or another City or other means of determining its ownership exists, the police shall make reasonable efforts to notify the owner.
D. An impoundment fee set by council resolution shall be charged to the owner of a bicycle impounded under this section except where the bicycle was stolen.
E. A bicycle impounded under this chapter which remains unclaimed for 60 days, shall be disposed of in accordance with BC 2.05.010 through 2.05.026.

Hillsboro Bicycle Parking / Impounding

§ 8.28.100 Bicycle parking.
A. It is unlawful to park or leave a bicycle upon the sidewalk, except in areas designated under HMC 8.28.100(B).

B. Designated areas for the parking of bicycles and only bicycles are as follows:

1. At the curb on the street and sidewalk, beginning at the intersection of the north boundary of Main Street and the west boundary of N 3rd Street, thence north 20 feet;

2. At the curb on the sidewalk beginning at the point on the north side of E Lincoln Street that is 55 feet east from the easterly boundary of N 2nd Avenue, thence east 20 feet; and

3. During the months the municipal swimming pool is in operation and while bicycle racks are maintained in the street for parking bicycles:

a. On the street on the easterly side of S 9th Avenue beginning at a point 10 feet south of the south boundary of E Cedar Street, thence south 35 feet; and

b. On the street on the southerly side of E Cedar Street, beginning at a point 15 feet east of the east boundary of S 9th Avenue, thence east 45 feet.

C. The manager will cause the appropriate number of bicycle racks to be erected, kept and maintained, each with the proper marking by signs or painting, upon each of the areas under HMC 8.28.100(B).

Milwaukie, Oregon


No person shall leave a bicycle except at a rack. If no rack is provided, the person shall leave the bicycle so as not to obstruct any roadway, sidewalk, driveway, or building entrance. A person shall not leave a bicycle in violation of the provision relating to the parking of motor vehicles.

Tualatin, Oregon

For Tualatin, the Operating Rules are essentially the state of Oregon rules, but they do contain the Bicycle Parking rules.

TMC 8-3-210 - Bicycle Operating Rules.

In addition to observing all other applicable provisions of this ordinance and state law pertaining to bicycles, no person shall leave a bicycle, except in a bicycle rack. If no rack is provided, the person shall leave the bicycle so as not to obstruct any roadway, sidewalk, driveway or building entrance. A person shall not leave a bicycle in violation of the provisions relating to the parking of motor vehicles.

TMC 8-3-220 - Impounding of Bicycles.

(1) No person shall leave a bicycle on public or private property without the consent of the person in charge or the owner.

(2) A bicycle left on public property for a period in excess of 24 hours may be impounded by the police department.

(3) In addition to any citation issued, a bicycle parked in violation of this ordinance may be immediately impounded by the police department.

(4) If a bicycle impounded under this ordinance is licensed, or other means of determining its ownership exist, the police shall make reasonable efforts to notify the owner. No impounding fee shall be charged to the owner of a stolen bicycle which has been impounded.

(5) A bicycle impounded under this ordinance which remains unclaimed shall be disposed of in accordance with the City's procedures for disposal of abandoned or lost personal property.

(6) Except as provided in subsection (4), a fee of $1.00 shall be charged to the owner of a bicycle impounded under this section.

Lake Oswego Bicycle Parking / Impounding

§32.10.810 Requirements for Operation of Bicycles Generally.

8. Use of Designated Bicycle Stands - The City may designate such place or places within commercial zones exclusively for parking of bicycles and no person shall stand, park or leave any bicycle on the highway or alley or sidewalk within 200 feet of any such place designated exclusively for bicycle parking by the City.

§ 32.10.815 Impounding of Bicycles

1. No person shall leave a bicycle on private property without the consent of the owner or person in charge. Consent is implied on private business property unless bicycle parking is expressly prohibited.

2. Unless bicycle parking is expressly prohibited on public property, a person shall leave a bicycle in a bicycle rack, if provided, or in accordance with section LOC § 32.10.810(8).

3. A bicycle left on a highway or other public property for more than 24 hours may be impounded by the police department.

4. In addition to any citation issued, a bicycle parked in violation of this chapter that obstructs or impedes the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic or otherwise endangers the public may be immediately impounded by a law enforcement officer.

5. If a bicycle impounded under this chapter is licensed, or other means of identifying its ownership exist, the police shall make reasonable efforts to notify the owner.

6. A bicycle impounded under this section that remains unclaimed after 30 days shall be disposed of in accordance with LOC § 14.04.120. 7. Impoundment under this section shall be done in accordance with the provisions of LOC § 14.04.110, et seq.

West Linn Bicycle Parking / Impounding

6.155 Bicycle Operating Rules.

Leave a bicycle except in a bicycle rack. If no rack is provided, he shall leave the bicycle so as not to obstruct any roadway, sidewalk, driveway, or building entrance. Nor shalle he leave the bicycle in violation of the provisions relating to the parking of motor vehicles.

6.160 Impounding of Bicycles.

It is unlawful to leave a bicycle on public or private property without the consent of the person in charge or the property owner

In addition to any citation issued, a bicycle parked on public property or in violation of this ordinance may be immediately impounded by the police department.

If a bicycle impounded under this ordinance is licensed, or there is some other means of determining the owner the police shall make reasonable efforts to notify the owner.

A bicycle impounded under this ordinance which remains unclaimed shall be disposed of in accordance with the city's procedures for disposal of abandoned or lost personal property

Salem Bicycle Parking

Sec. 101.150. - Parking of bicycles.

It shall be unlawful for any person to leave a bicycle upon any sidewalk, except in a bicycle rack. If no rack is provided, a bicycle shall be left so as not to obstruct any roadway, sidewalk, driveway or building entrance; nor shall any person leave a bicycle on public or private property without the consent of the person in charge or the owner thereof.

Corvallis Bicycle Parking

Bike racks and on-street corrals are located throughout the community to facilitate the use of bicycles as a viable mode of transportation. The Land Development Code requires all new businesses, apartment buildings, schools, offices, etc., to install bike racks in proportion to the motor vehicle parking spaces required for the development. In addition, 50% of the bicycle parking spaces must be covered.

The city has also constructed covered parking structures on the riverfront, various locations throughout the downtown and Monroe Street.

Bicycle Parking on OSU Corvallis

Bikes that are locked to signs or railings, or which appear abandoned (flat tires, covered in cobwebs, missing parts), may be impounded. If your bike is missing, it may have either been stolen or impounded. Please call dispatch at 541-737-3010.

Bicycle Impounding on OSU Corvallis

Campus Safety monitors the condition of bikes left at bike racks and may impound a bike per University Standard: 07-025

.   If your bike is no longer where you left it, call Campus Safety (541) 322-3110, as it may have been stolen or impounded.

Conditions that may lead to a bike being impounded:

  • Abandoned next to an academic building for more than 5 days
  • Left anywhere that creates a safety hazard
  • Front and rear tires both flat
  • Covered in cobwebs
  • Missing parts like wheels or handlebars
  • Attached to a railing, tree, light pole, or sign
  • Blocking a walkway
  • Found inside a building (OSU-Cascades campus bikes in designated areas exempted)

If a specialist observes any of the conditions above, an impound notice will be left on the bike. If the bike is not repaired to operating condition within 24 hours, it may be impounded.

All impounded bikes are held by Campus Safety for 30 days. If the owner does not claim their bike in that timeframe, the bikes may be disposed of per university policy or sent to OSU Surplus Property

Bend Bicycle Parking / Impounding

6.35.005 Impounding Bicycles.

A. A bicycle left on public property for more than 24 hours may be impounded by the Police Department.

B. If a bicycle impounded under this code is registered, or other means of determining its ownership exist, the police shall m

ake a reasonable effort to notify the owner. No impounding fee shall be charged to the owner of a stolen bike.

C. A bicycle impounded under this code and remaining unclaimed shall be disposed of in accordance with City procedures for disposal of abandoned or lost personal property.

D. Except as provided in subsection (B) of this section, a fee established in the City's Fee Resolution shall be charged to the owner of a bicycle impounded under this section. [Ord. NS-2140, 2010]


Gresham doesn't really have bicycle parking / locking rules per se but they have improper leaving of a bicycle codes and impoundment codes.

8.70.040 Misuse of a Bicycle or Non- Motorized Vehicle.

No person shall leave a bicycle or non-motorized vehicle:

(1) in a manner which obstructs a street. sidewalk, driveway or building entrance;

(2) on private property without the consent of the person in charge or the owner of the property;

(3) on public property for a period in excess of 18 hours; or

(4) in a public parking lot in a vehicle parking space. A bicycle may only be parked in a public parking lot where special provision has been made for bicycles, in the stand, rack, or other bicycle holder.

8.70.050 Impoundment.

(1) A bicycle or non-motorized vehicle in violation of GRC Article 8.70 may be immediately impounded by the police department. The impounded bicycle may be released to the owner after the owner presents evidence of ownership that is acceptable to the manager, and the manager determines the bicycle is no longer needed for evidentiary purposes.

(2) If a bicycle or non-motorized vehicle impounded under this section is licensed, or other means of determining its ownership exist, the police shall make a reasonable effort to notify the owner. (3) A bicycle or non-motorized vehicle impounded under this section that remains unclaimed for a period of more than 60 days may be disposed of in accordance with GRC Article 2.81, the city's procedures for disposal of abandoned or lost personal property.


Portland International Airport
Free Bicycle Parking

The Portland International Airport provides several options for bicycle transportation. It's also easy to connect to the Max Train and Tri Met busses and still use your bike for a part of your journey.

Check the Portland Airport (Port of Portland) website for more information and maps to help you navigate to the Portland Airport's bike parking areas. They even have a bicycle repair station located near the Max and one bicycle lock up area.

They've also created this helpful content with pictures to help you navigate your way to the airport on bicycle whether using the trails and connections or riding bus or Max train. They do also show images of the bicycle parking coverage but some of the bicycle racks are indeed not under the cover.

Free bicycle parking is available at the north and south end of the roadway closest to the terminal building. Bicycles can be locked up in one of two ribbon racks located at the north end of the terminal building on the lower level and the south end of the terminal building near the TriMet MAX Light Rail platform on the lower level. Additional bicycle parking is also available at the north end of the terminal building on the upper level. https://www.flypdx.com/Parking